New Ideas

Hello everyone, its time for our May Blog, what a month it has been since our last post, they say in life to expect the unexpected and I think one thing we can all agree on is that we didn't see the huge impact the Corona virus would have on every single one of us. Corona virus has been so overwhelming evoking emotions of Fear, Anxiety, Love, loneliness, and pure bewilderment at the huge changes to our lives now and going forward. We really hope all our customers are coping with the situation and have not been adversely affected by the virus, if you have then we send you all our very best wishes.
With the reopening of the business looming in the not too distant future we are looking at ways of creating a safe environment for both ourselves and our clients. We are planning to have a doorbell, as we are such a small shop only 1 person or persons from the same household are going to be allowed in the shop at one time, we are also looking at an appointment system bookable online or over the telephone so we can reduce the possibility of people waiting to get into the shop. We are also hoping to create an option of a video consultation with free local collection and delivery where the client is shielding or self isolating to enable those who cannot get to see us an alternative way.
PPE is also important as we will struggle to provide a face to face consultation with a 2 metre gap between us and our clients so we are also looking at a variety of options that will keep us all safe, we would love to find a local supplier to support so please get in touch if you can help with this.
We have been very active on social media; experimenting with new product ideas so take a look. We now have some standard frame sizes on the website with more to follow that we can deliver locally or post.
This time has not only given us the opportunity to look at what alternative avenues we can consider in the future for our lovely little shop. It has also given us some amazing quality time with our 5 children, it is so easy to allow the balance of work and life to fall the wrong way, but this last few weeks have been full of some positive memories and time that we have spent as a family has been something we are very grateful for. As a glass half full kind of person its so important to see the silver linings in any situation and we have been blessed with time to make some memories with the children and reflect on what we want for us and our family.
What have been the positives for you over the last few weeks?
We really appreciate the likes, shares and comments and we are also interested in any suggestions you may have for us moving forward.