Blog - Hinckley Framers

We are Faye and Louis, Husband and wife team not forgetting our 5 kids ages 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13.
We took over Hinckley Framers in 2015 with lots of continued support from the previous owners who started the business in 1986.
We began our journey of Picture Framing by accident or maybe it was fate, I'm not sure, in May 2015 we popped into the framers in Hinckley known as Contactus to get something framed for our wedding and whilst discussing the framing the owner mentioned she wanted to we left Louis said he would love to change his direction and do something more creative.....would you believe just 3 months later it was ours, after discussions, a wedding, scrapping the money together - we did it. Louis gave up his job in accounting and I gave up my Nursing and we embarked on a new chapter....Hinckley Framers.
5 years on and we have developed the business adding giftware, a gallery and made it our own, its hard work but its ours.
Life is full of risks and unknowns but I'm so glad we took a chance.
Its better to have tried rather than wondering what if....
Thanks for reading Faye
If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living. Gail Sheehy